DORA OLIVEIRA – HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCACY works for the promotion and defense of individual and collective rights in Brazil. It guides and represents clients in the administrative and judicial spheres. It has its headquarters in Porto Alegre (RS) and representation in São Paulo (SP).
Brazilian democracy depends on a solid, active and plural civil society. Civil Society Organizations Law must guarantee the association and performance of associations, foundations, religious temples and social movements.
“Everyone has the right to associate freely for ideological, religious, political, economic, labor, social, cultural, sports, or other purposes.”
American Convention on Human RightsThe law can be used strategically for the construction of equalities. Differences in gender, sexuality, race-ethnicity, socio-economic conditions, religion, national origin and ability can not imply discrimination in treatment or access to goods and services in Brazil.
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
Universal Declaration of Human RightsThe survival of humanity depends on a radical change in the way we relate to the rest of nature. In this sense, Socio-Environmental Law must guarantee the protection of indigenous and traditional collective territories and help maintain biodiversity and sociodiversity in Brazil.
“Everyone has the right to an ecologically balanced environment, which is a public good for the people's use and is essential for a healthy life. The Government and the community have a duty to defend and to preserve the environment for present and future generations.”
Constitution of the Federative Republic Of BrazilGraduated in Law from UFRGS (Brazil), with a Master's Degree in International Human Rights Law at University of Essex (UK), and in History, Politics and Cultural Property pela FGV (Brazil). Lawyer with OAB / RS 19.054, feminist activist with experience in the area of philanthropy and organization of national and international civil society.
Graduated in Law from PUC Goiás (Brazil), Specialist in Indigenous Peoples, Human Rights and International Co-operation at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), Master in Economic and Social Law from PUC Paraná (Brazil). Lawyer with OAB / DF 12.405 and OAB / RS 104582A, is indigenous of the Pankararu people and has experience in the area of cultural and territorial rights.
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